Chemical pulping

Books, newspapers and magazines, catalogues and manuals, writing pads, greeting cards, envelopes, postage stamps, cardboard packaging, wrapping paper, labels, tissues, paper plates and cups, kitchen towels, filters, toilet paper, diapers, wallpaper, passports, bank notes. These are just a few of the thousands of different items created by the pulp and paper industry.

An industry that depends on efficient, reliable production, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Crucial to this operation is the performance of equipment required to work continuously with corrosive and erosive fluids under high pressure and at high temperatures, where a failure anywhere in the process can result in huge costs.

We Create Extraordinary Flow Control Solutions

Unique amongst manufacturers, Flowserve supplies rotary control, on/off and manual valves for almost any application in Pulp & Paper.

Flowserve also develops and manufactures special designs for specific user requirements. In fact we have been doing this for more than a century – the very first NAF valves  were developed in collaboration with customers from the pulp and paper industry, back in 1899. So, from the start, we have  understood the demands and challenges involved in pulp and paper production.

The pulp and paper industry is also evolving. It is an important part of the transition to more climate-friendly solutions because the forest raw material is a renewable resource. Already today, wood fiber based fabrics are produced, biofuels from residues are replacing fossil fuels, carbon fiber is being manufactured from the residual product lignin. All this and many more products will be seen in the future. New processes imply new demands on our products. Therefore, we continue to develop our products together with our customers to ensure that their processes work in the future without any problems

Today we have established a global network of local sales and aftermarket support services and a broad customer base that trusts in Flowserve’s project management and delivery performance. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Year after year.

 Pulp mill illustration supplied courtesy of ANDRITZ.

Click on the illustration to explore how Flowserve product solutions can help increase productivity in both the fiberline and the recovery process of a chemical pulp mill.